Right now I'm running winME on my c drive. I have a new wd 80gb wd drive coming with new xp pro. My plan is to install xp on a 18gb partition. My existing usage on c drive is only about 6gb, so space shouldn't be a problem, I'll probably create a new partition or so after xp is installed on the 80gb.I will use my existing c drive as a slave to the new drive, (making it d drive).
My question is can I use the existing drive with ME on it to use as a backup if I format the new c drive in NTFS? In other words, can I copy and paste files betwen the two drives reguardless of the file system. Files are files, correct or no?Say for example, for some reason I need to reformat and reinstall xp, I can use the files I backed up to d drive without any problem?
Still a little confused about file systems, and actual files. I have no intention to dual boot btw.I also plan to backup to cd or dvd on a regular basis as well. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated. Flames too for that matter.
Just read this from another forum, looks like FAT32 can't detect a NTFS format, so I'm assuming that the xp NTFS wouldn't detect the ME FAT32 format. In which case, my old d drive wouldn't be seen by xp, and my plan wouldn't work?quote:I had a Windows XP setup with a 120gb secondary HD that had just data on it (no OS). Long story short, that computer is gonna be out of commision for a while, and I need to get to the data on that secondary HD.Now, the only other computer option I have is my girlfriends, which is an older Dell Dimension 8100 with Windows Millenium on it (I know I know). I went ahead and put the 120gb HD from my computer into hers, got the jumpers set properly, etc. The HD shows up in the BIOS, but it doesn't show up when I go into 'My Computer' on the Dell.
Only the boot drive (C drive) shows up, but the data only drive I pulled from my computer doesn't show up.I need to get into this second HD without re-formatting it, since I need the data on it.Am I just SOL here or is there something I'm missing?-Was the harddrive formatted in NTFS? Me wont be able to detect an NTFS formatted harddrive, only FAT32 afaik. Oboyco,Do you wish to preserve your ME install?Or, do you wish to only preserve some files you have stored there on your current ME hard drive?EDIT: The reason I'm asking is I'm thinking dual boot. You're already half way there since, the older operating system is installed first. ME.
your current OS, then the newer. XP. last.
You can certainly install XP on the second partition using FAT32.To further clarify, your new HDD can be set to slave for storage and you can begin a file system there to save all your favorite files. Something like that.
Altec, my system is 4 years old now, AMD Thunderbird 900, 256mb pc133, QDI mb.I decided to do a gradual upgrade as cash allows, so eventually I'll have a new case w/ psu Antec 3000slk, mb MSI rm480 and AMD64 939 3000 cpu, and a dvd burner. The OS and new drive seemed priotity now as I don't know if this existing Maxtor is going to suddenly die at any minute. Sometimes I think it's been living on borrowed time, as have the rest of the components. My hd data is irreplaceable, (my life for the past ten years on it), but the other parts are. This is why I'm so anal about the backup.So yeah, it's about time to try and get up to speed on the latest. NTFS being part of it.
I can see FAT32 being obsolete in the not to far future, and as you can tell, I don't like to upgrade until I really need to, been there with the upgrade once a year thing, and it's too hard on the pocketbook for what you get, lol.The advantage I see for NTSF is the decrease of fragmentation, and efficiency of the file storage system. I have no need for file encryption though and actually have heard the horror storys of crashed systems and the user not backing their private keys.
All is lost then.But then again I'm open to any and all suggestions as to why FAT is better.Papa, I definately want keep ME on a separate drive until I get xp up and running good for a while, in the event I totally botch the xp install or screw something up, at least I have a working OS, as poor as it may be. After that I don't care about ME. Click to expand.While Ranma already addressed this to some degree, I feel that further explanation may be need as to why fat32 can be a bad idea.fat32 is indeed a viable file system. It does what it was designed to do, and does it fairly well.
HoweverNTFS is generally faster than FAT32. FAT32 can be faster for small volumes but it doesnt scale up as well as NTFS. If your drive size is over 20GB, you are probably better off using NTFS, at least from a performance standpoint.As for the security features of NTFS, there are cases where they are not needed, but thats uncommon (IMHO). I can understand someone not needing user quotas or encryption, I dont use those normally, but access control lists (ACLs) are the foundation of much of the security with the OS itself. If Windows is running from a FAT32 partition, you have effectively removeddisabled all security systems within the OS. That alone does not make the OS vulnerable to an exploit, but it means its much more important to have the firewall enabled and all updates installed since there is a greater chance of an exploit leading to system compromise. Whats more, you must take extra care to update any applications which use the network in any way.For example, say you have an ftp server installed and that ftp server has an unpatched vulnerability.
Normally that server shouldwould be run under an account with limited permissions, so the OS would enforce limitations on the process, even if that vulnerability was exploited. When running on a system partition that does not support security ACLs, there is no way for the OS to prevent a compromised server process from compromising the system itself.SoBecause I believe in defense in depth, and I take care with the security of the systems I ownuse, I would not use FAT32 partitions for the boot or system partitions for any of my systems. There are cases where I use FAT32, but only when necessary. And I can only recommend that end user do the same.Not trying to be an alarmist here, but I take system security very seriouslythere are even those that call me a little paranoid, but I take it as a compliment.
How to Setup WindowsXP from USB drive?You are here: How to setup Windows XP from USB drive?Step1: Creating Rescue USB DriveFirst, we need create a rescue USB drive which can boot thecomputer. Please follow the steps,.Run PowerISO rescue media utility. You can download it.On Windows Vista or above operating system, you may need confirm the UACdialog to continue.Insert the USB drive you intend to boot from.The utility will allow you choose Windows PE architectureand version. It is suggested to select 32-bit architecture and Windows PE3.11. Click 'Next' to continue.Select USB drive for output device, and select the correctdrive from the list. Click 'Next' to continue.The utility will start creating rescue USB drive.
It willcheck necessary component and automatically download missing component fromthe server.Please notice that all existing data on the USB drive will bedestroyed during this step. The program will alert you before writing theUSB drive. Click 'OK' to continue.When it's done, copy the Windows XP setup files to the USBdrive. Please note that you'll only need the i386 folder.If no errors occurred in the above process, you should now beall set to setup Windows XP from USB drive!Step 2: Configuring the BIOSYou should now reboot and go into the BIOS configuration toboot from USB. Instructions for doing so vary wildly from system to system, butgenerally entail the following:.Reboot the system.While booting (before Windows starts loading), get into theBIOS configuration screen by hitting something like F1, F2, Delete orEscape. Hotkey instructions are generally provided on the screen.Go to the section that contains your boot devices.With your USB drive plugged in, the USB drive should belisted. If it isn’t, your system might not support booting from USB.Assuming that it is supported (as is the case with virtually all modernhardware), promote your USB drive to the primary boot device.Exit from the BIOS configuration, saving all changes.Please notice that you can seriously screw up your system by providing incorrectBIOS settings!Step 3: Booting from rescue USB driveAssuming that you properly configured your BIOS and your USBdrive supports booting, your computer should now boot from the the rescueUSB drive.
Install Windows Xp On Ntfs Or Fat Free
Depending on the speed ofyour USB drive, this may take a while.If it isn’t working, then double-check the following beforemaking a scene:.Is your BIOS properly configured for booting from the USBdevice? (Is the USB device listed and does it have top priority?).Have you correctly prepared the USB drive in step one?(Restart the procedure.).Does your USB drive properly support being booted from? (Tryanother one!)Step 4: Prepping the Hard DiskYou need to make sure that your hard drive is partitioned andformatted properly. Especially if you've had Linux or some other operatingsystem on it, you'll need to repartition and format it.
The rescue drive containfile manager and command line utility. You can launch DiskPart for diskpartitioning and formatting from the command utility.If you are sure that your hard drive is set up properly (i.e. Ithas only run Windows, it contains a valid FAT or NTFS partition) then you cansafe yourself the hassle and skip this step.Window XP doesn't support GPT partition. If your hard drive ispartitioned in GPT mode, you also need repartition and format the disc.To repartition and format (This procedure will destroy any data on the harddrive):.Click the icon on task bar to launch a command line Window.Enter DiskPart to run the built-in disk management utility.Enter the commands needed to repartition and format your drive. Forexample, try the following:select disk 0 (select the first disk. On your computer, disk0 may not be the correct disk, you can use 'list disk' to find thecorrect disk.)clean(purges the entire drive, essentially resetting it)create partitionprimary (creates a single partition from the entire disk)select partition1 (select the partition created)format fs=ntfs quick (format the partition to NTFS system,and do a quickly format)assign (assignthe partition a drive letter)exit (quits DiskPart).Step 5: Launching Windows XP Setup from USB driveWith your drive all ready, you can now launch the Windows XPsetup with a few custom parameters. Let's assume that the files are available atE:i386.Plugging in a device now won’t work.
Install Windows Xp On Ntfs Or Fat Video
Remember that all USBdevices will need to be plugged in right from the start while using the rescuedrive.Run the following command:.Run E:i386winnt32.exe /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /makelocalsource.Replace C: with the drive you want to install Windows to.Proceed with the installation. If asked to convert theinstallation volume to NTFS, answer No.
The setup program incorrectlybelieves that your USB drive (if is formatted as FAT) needs conversion.The setup program will then silently close, which might make youthink that something went wrong. Don't worry though.Step 6: Continue Windows XP Setup from Hard disk.Reboot your system.Unplug USB drive during post stage.Change your BIOS settings back to boot from hard disk againas needed.You can now continue to finish setting up Windows XP.Note: The above guide works with Windows XP only. For Windows10, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, or Windows Vista operating systems, please refer to another guide at.Copyright 2004-2019 Power Software Ltd. All rights reserved.